The Tale of A Caterpillar Hunt...
He's now deceased under our refrigerator. She had "not so gently" handled him so much he was just about dead, so we brought him inside to make a habitat. I left her inside with him while I got some leaves and branches. When I came in, she was screaming, "Caterpillar, caterpillar - I can't reach, Mommy!" He had crawled under our fridge to escape his captor. Luckily she took the news well that I couldn't move it and he would have a new home there. :-)
Max has found many a caterpillar and sister has been longing to find one for herself since he won't share due to her love of squeezing, moving and loving them to death. Today we had a picnic lunch outside and ....
Off to look
Here maybe?
Over here?
Look Ma!He crawls here...
He crawls there...
He crawls everywhere!Storytime, Caterpillar
Love you. Time for bed, night night!