Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Anyone know that stage where your kid wants to be naked - throws a tantrum EVERY time you try to change the diaper, but isn't potty trained and thinks it's funny to run around peeing in corners? I've got one. We bought her a potty a couple months ago because she was telling us when she had gone potty/poop. I missed the wagon. She went on it a couple times because I told her she could watch her Barbie movie if she stayed on the potty. Eventually she peeed and realized she was going in the toilet. We had a big ol celebration and then life threw us a curve and I couldn't focus on that. Now she's in her terrible twos and knows what I want so she won't do it. And I can't make her. And I can't look frustrated cuz then she wins. She's really young and I'm not that stressed about it, but at the same time, I think she's capable, but not willing. I remember going through that with Max at 2 and a half. Frustrating! But how can I be too upset with this Sleeping Beauty? It's easy to say when they're not screaming at you

"All Done Diaper!!!" Wouldn't that be great - all done with diapers. I agree with her on that, just not where to put the stuff instead of the diaper.

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