Tuesday, March 18, 2008


She's officially acting like a two year old. She climbs on the table to play with the light fixture, she climbs on the piano and stands on the keys to get the candy for my piano students on top, she can tear apart Max's organized room (his version of organized which is an assortment of houses made out of misc items for his stuffed dogs, garages for his toy cars, etc) in 20 seconds flat, knock down all the books from the bookshelf in ten seconds....the list goes on.

Every time I attempt to feed her, most of it ends up on the floor - she'll eat two things currently - cereal and cheese. I think we spend $50 a month to feed the floor. She can irritate Max so well he cries. She can chew and spit out all the gum in my purse in a minute.

But, She can also count to 10, melt our hearts with hugs and kisses (she'll turn my face towards her to kiss my lips), play tag with Max till their pooped, say her own prayer....so you know, it balances out. :-)

Her First Oreo Face...


Lindsay said...

I SO know where you are at, gotta love it and she is just so cute!

Craig and Cynthia said...

That is so funny. I can't wait to see you soon. I fly in at 1:35

Kate said...

Are you sure you weren't typing about Addyson??? Except she can't count to 10....or really even talk yet!